Stress and Anxiety After Brain Injury - Symptoms and Management

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 20, 2011

When someone in your family has a traumatic brain injury, feelings of stress and anxiety can be overwhelming at times. Initial concerns usually focus on whether a person will survive the injuries. Once a person is a medical condition has stabilized, family concerns and then move some recovery can be expected. Uncertainty about the future can be very stressful for everyone. The brain is such a complex organ that is difficult to predict recovery after being injured. This uncertainty is the basis for many of the fears, concerns and questions.

signs of stress and anxiety

Stress feels like an overwhelming pressure to a person simply does not feel capable of facing and handling. Anxiety is a severe form of stress that causes fear, avoidance and fear.

Everyone experiences some stress and anxiety in your life for a while. But it is very common among the families, when a person has a brain injury because it can be a life changing event for everyone.

So what can you do?

It helps to know the common signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety. These are:

  • difficult decisions, even small
  • short temper or circuit
  • less energy and motivation
  • It's relaxing
  • Changes in appetite
  • Racing thoughts
  • insomnia
  • A higher body temperature or increased heart rate
  • Physical complaints such as indigestion, tremors, jaw and shoulder tension, headaches, fatigue, etc.
  • impatience and irritability
  • The feeling of loneliness, hopelessness, and ineffective

When you recognize the signs of stress, it is important to be able to prevent its negative impact on your life and health. Learning how to cope and manage stress and anxiety is a step in rebuilding your life after brain injury. Here are six techniques that can help.

  1. Think positively about their physical health and try to make it fun and stress reduction activities that have occurred prior to brain injury.
  2. Deep breathing can help calm when you begin to feel stressed or anxious.
  3. Meditation helps to calm your mind and focus on productive thoughts.
  4. visualization helps you picture what you would like to happen.
  5. Thought stopping helps you control your thought patterns.
  6. end of the negative self-talk helps you to think more positively.

will be many challenges in your life, whether you have survived brain injuries, guardian, or spouse, parent, child or sibling. Learning how to reduce, manage and control stress and anxiety is an important step in the recovery and reconstruction of their lives and their future.

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